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free range pasture eggs


In February 2018, our beautiful daughter Lily Grace was killed in a tragic 4WD accident at the age of 20. In the grief-stricken days that followed, a vision was born out of the deep love that a mother has for her daughter.


On Lily’s bucket list was a dream to own a bush block, have pasture-raised chooks, sell their free-range eggs while operating a beauty salon on the farm.


Within a few weeks of Lily’s death, we secured a lease on a 50-acre property in Somerville and Lil's Farm and Lil's Yolky Dokey pasture-raised egg dream was to become a reality.


Four years on and Lil’s Yolky Dokey Eggs moved from Somerville to be part of a regenerative farming collective on the Mornington Peninsula, based in Main Ridge.


We keep the number of hens to fewer than 60 per hectare and pride ourselves on this low stocking density that

results in happy hens and quality pasture-raised eggs. Better than free-range.


Our Gypsy chickens live in the best conditions out in open pastures and sleep in close protections of our Maremma dogs

as their guardians. They roam free during the day and sleep in their caravans at night.

Lil's dream could not have been made a reality without the dedication and support from her friends and family.


We thank you all for #doingitforlila


Welcome to our farm


Please watch the video below




Our eggs

Urgent Appeal: Support Lil's Yolky Dokey Eggs to Expedite Relocation to the Briars 

Lils Yolky Dokey Eggs 0029.jpg

Scan the QR code to sign the petition if you love your Yolky Dokey Eggs and would like to see them remain part of the Mornington Peninsula Community


Our eggs are laid by happy pasture-raised, grain fed, free-range hens.


We will keep the number of chickens to fewer than 60 hens per hectare. This plan for low stocking density is something that we pride ourselves on, for the well-being of our chooks. Until we started this venture, we were unaware that most free-range chicken farms have anywhere between 1,500 - 10,000 hens per hectare!


The chooks on Lil's Farm have the freedom to enjoy dust bathing, flying and scratching for bugs and grubs at their leisure. We assure you that we believe our way is the key to both sustainable farming and ensuring that our girls have plenty of space to live a happy and healthy life. Our Gypsy chickens will live in the best conditions out in the open pastures, enjoying their freedom to roam.

Pastured-raised egg Farm-gate prices

       Min 600gm eggs one dozen- $11            


       Min 700gm eggs one dozen - $12            


       Min 800gm eggs one dozen - $13  


       Tray of 15 DINOSAUR eggs - $15


       Tray of 30 weird and wonderful's - $18

Farm Gate temporarily closed.
Phone and Collect available

Call Gab on 0458130597 by Thursday 5pm for pick-up
on Saturdays between 10-12pm.


Our Jouney


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